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Amazon Agency for strong growth, profitability & systematic branding

Amazon ads 

Operating in 20 countries

9-digit marketplace turnover

Software for analysis & ads

Calvin Klein Logo
Calvin Klein Logo
AS Creation

Renowned Agency for all Amazon marketplaces

Profit from leading advertising and analyzing tools


  • Vendor, Seller & Hybrid

  • Range, Prices & Buybox

  • Budget & Profitability

  • Internationalisation


  • Market and brand analysis

  • Monitoring: Content & Buybox

  • Advertising Automation

  • Dashboards


  • Content, Images & SEO

  • PPC & DSP Advertising

  • Brand Store

  • Trouble Shooting

We let our results speak for themselves:

Click through our Case Studies

“The Europe-wide market analyses of MOVESELL have conviced us in terms of data quality, scope and presentation.”

Torsten Bonacker

Director E-Commerce Marketing

Increase of ad sales by 62 % YOY on the German Marketplace

„MOVESELL is a strong partner that takes our Amazon Advertising to a new level. The results speak for themselves.”

Katharina Mlynar

E-Commerce Manager

31 % YOY sales growth in the “Shower Foam” category

„Based on detailed brand and competition analyses, our cooperation with MOVESELL started in 2021. I particularly appreciate the professional implementation and the personal support.”

Peter Selig

Senior Product Manager

In 6 months, we were able to increase the advertising sales and theh share of new customers by 200 % for Calvin Klein.

Advertising for PVH

30 % YOY turnover growth through our software ROPT

„With MOVESELL, we have been able to significantly increase our Amazon sales in recent years. We are very satisfied with the consultation, optimisation and software.”

Patrick Osann


Compared to the previous year, we were able to increase Powerbar advertising sales by 176 %

Advertising for Active Nutrition

7 reasons for our Amazon consultancy

Why many brands choose us

9-digit Amazon Sales are entrusted to us

Gaining and securing market share worldwide – we have a proven track record of doing just that. For example, for medium-sized companies and corporations such as Carlsberg, Calvin Klein, Respekta, Thermos and Powerbar.

Complex sales models are our daily business

1P (vendor) + 3P (retail) + D2C seller + various brands + various product ranges + thousands of products + tens of thousands of product variants on over 10 marketplaces?
No problem.

Optimal scaling as an official Amazon Ads Partner

We’re one of a handful of strategic Amazon Ads partners – so we’re as deep into the topic as possible. How do I perform compared to others? What new features are coming? What can I automate?

Senior Level Expertise in all fields

We are not only first movers as Amazon consultancy, but also rely on senior level consultants who have already been working in the young Amazon cosmos for 5 to 10 years for well-known manufacturers.

The best Amazon tools for more quality & efficiency

We analyze and optimize millions of data points every month to ensure that we are taking the best decisions together. Whether it’s market analysis, buybox and content monitoring or bid management – state of the art software solutions are essential for your success on Amazon.

Highest Amazon Partnership

We achieved the highest partner status with the launch of the programme. This allows us to offer our customers an even stronger service. The extensive top-level support is not comparable with the usual support and explicitly supports Amazon sellers.

Transparent project management & reporting

Communication is Key. We translate expertise into comprehensible results for marketing, sales and management. Weekly consultations and monthly reporting with a fixed project team make opportunities, hurdles and successes visible.

Contact us now for our services on Amazon!

Free of charge & non-binding consultation

Individual offer?

Contact us now for a free of charge and non-binding consultation by one of our experts!

The faces of our agency for Amazon!

Our in-house Tool ROPT: Data-based effective & efficient on Amazon

Our tool is used exclusively inhouse by our consultants and marketing managers.

Easy Connection

Seller, vendor or hybrid: we can connect all your brands.

Generation Analyses

Your consultant will configurate an individual setup so that you can create valuable analyses regarding your account, brand, category, content, products, and competitors.

Monitoring & Reporting

All relevant data regarding account, content, advertising will be updated and reported daily.
  • Modern technology

  • Daily updates

  • All data in one report

  • Cloud-based tool

  • Official developer

  • MWS & SP API

  • Advertising API

  • Managed Tool

ROPT surmounts over 10 million product updates every month so that we can make better decisions for you.

Powered by AWS Cloud Computing

A selection of our customer testimonials

More than 200 satisfied customers

MOVESELL’s Europe-wide market analyses convinced us in terms of data quality, scope and presentation.

Torsten Bonacker

Director E-Commerce Marketing

What we really appreciate about working with MOVESELL is that they combine know-how, professionalism and creativity in the best possible way.

Kathrin Lichtscheid

Key Account Manager Online

A brand analysis by MOVESELL is the ideal basis for identifying potential and deriving optimisation measures.

Mark Erichsen

Team Lead Online

With MOVESELL, we can rely on a competent partner who takes our Amazon advertising to a new level.

Katharina Mlynar

E-Commerce Manager

We especially value the extremely professional personal contact and consulting, the insightful expertise, and the short reaction time.

David Gellert

Marktplatz Manager

Based on detailed brand and competition analyses, our cooperation with MOVESELL started in 2021. I particularly appreciate the professional implementation and the personal support.

Peter Selig

Senior Produktmanager

The workshop was well structured, the topics were explained in detail. There was enough room for questions.

Lorenz Widera

Head of D2C E-Commerce

MOVESELL supports us in our advertising campaigns for some time now. We have been able to measurably optimize our account performance.

Christina Jurr

Online Partner & Marketplace Manager

MOVESELL advises on a high level regarding strategy & marketing on Amazon. Sales are steadily increasing and the brand image has been significantly improved.

Damian Kramer

Managing Director

    Any Questions? We have the answers!

    How relevant is Amazon for us?

    Every second euro spent in e-commerce in Germany is spent on Amazon. 90 % of German online-shoppers buy on Amazon. 150 new retailers start selling on Amazon per hour. The question isn’t if Amazon is relevant anymore, but rather how you deal with the chances and risks. Your products and brands will most likely already be listed by other retailers.

    How do we start on Amazon?

    To learn how to choose the right selling-account, how to sustainably grow sales, and how to improve your brand image listen to our podcast “AHEAD ON MARKETPLACES”, view videos in our free video-academy, read our Amazon blog, read our free guideline for brands, or contact one of our team members.

    Seller vs. vendor vs. hybrid vs. broker vs. brand manager – what’s the right model?

    How can brands be optimized, advertised, and sold on Amazon? There are a few active an passive strategies: Manufacturers don’t necessarily need to be in a business relationship with Amazon to effectively control their brand on Amazon.

    There are many options: As a seller you can directly sell your products to your customers via the platform. As a vendor you can sell your products to Amazon, who will then sell your products to the customers. You can choose to let your retailers sell your products on Amazon but still control your marketing and branding through a brand manager account (agency).  

    Every B2B and B2C manufacturer should be concerned with the opportunities, the risks and the competition on the global Amazon marketplaces. Preferred goals are brand growth and brand protection. Partnering with an Amazon agency can help address this issue for your brand.

    What are the benefits of working with an Amazon agency?

    A team with a personal contact person will ensure your brands success on Amazon. Our focus lies on brand analysis, growth, and trademark protection. We consult vendors and sellers in all categories on all Amazon marketplaces.

    You can book us for a full-service contract or a modular contract: Potential and competitor analysis, marketplace strategy, consulting, product launches, Amazon SEO, Amazon Advertising (SEA), display advertising, trademark protection, and internationalization.

    A regular reporting will give you a comprehensive insight on your brands health on Amazon and its uplift due to our work.

    What are the benefits of a marketing software for Amazon?

    Unerring analyses, prognoses, and decisions with the best Amazon marketplace data on category, product, and brand level. With modern technology we analyze and gather millions of marketplace data daily. Among them all relevant data regarding product, sales, performance and advertising data.

    Does your agency consult small & big companies that aren’t selling on Amazon yet?

    Yes! We accompany and consult firms in all phases. Our experts have already successfully helped many companies with their launch on Amazon. We’re aware of the typical problems and challenges and know how to solve them.

    Can you help us expand on new Amazon marketplaces (internationalizing our brand)?

    Yes! This is part of our day-to-day job. Analyses, listings, launches, content, and advertising for all country-specific Amazon marketplaces is part of our repertoire. We will assist and consult strategically and operational. We can solve special problems and request with the help of our broad network.

    Contact us now for an individual consultation!

    Typical services of an Amazon agency

    Flexible approach in all phases

    We’re everywhere, where an Amazon agency is needed

    Our agency’s home is Kiel (Germany) – yet our customers are spread across Germany and Europe. As an agency for amazon we work together with brands from Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, and Berlin (just listing a few).

    • Aachen

    • Augsburg

    • Berlin

    • Bonn

    • Bremen

    • Dortmund

    • Dresden

    • Erfurt

    • Frankfurt

    • Freiburg

    • Hamburg

    • Hannover

    • Kiel

    • Cologne

    • Leipzig

    • Lübeck

    • Mainz

    • Münster

    • Munich

    • Nuremberg

    • Rostock

    • Potsdam

    • Stuttgart

    • Wiesbaden

    This is just a small excerpt of cities that we cover as an agency for Amazon.

    What does an Amazon agency do?

    An Amazon agency supports sellers, vendors or hybrid sellers in their sales on the Amazon marketplaces – in Germany or throughout Europe. In many cases, the product category or industry is secondary. The services of a broad-based Amazon agency include advice on brand growth and brand protection as well as the implementation of all marketing activities. Specialized agencies also offer comprehensive analyses that give brands better insights into their category.

    Full-service agencies for Amazon cover not only the previously mentioned consulting and analysis, but also the competence areas of advertising, SEO & content, and workshops. Many agencies allow the modular composition of services according to the needs of their customers. SEO & content includes product optimization with regard to top rankings and conversion and the enhancement of product detail pages with appealing A+ content. An Amazon agency that understands SEO & content can combine a brand in an individual brand store, in which the end customers can immerse themselves. In the advertising area, an Amazon agency takes over strategic planning of the budget as well as the implementation of all advertising formats, such as Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brand and Sponsored Brand Video as well as Sponsored Display campaigns.

    In addition to the marketing services already considered, many Amazon agencies pass on their extensive knowledge in individual seminars and workshops. These can range from account management to advertising and content on Amazon. With the help of various software, an Amazon agency works in a data-driven manner and manages to make well-founded decisions.

    Many amazon agencies also offer regular transparent reporting, in which one’s own performance is presented. An Amazon agency can also support the internationalization of brands on the various Amazon marketplaces: The broad wealth of experience and the network of native speakers help in understanding the new markets and the operational implementation of Amazon PPC advertising and content optimization.

    Marketing, SEO & SEA

    Amazon agencies perform elaborate work in SEO and SEA – they come close to the work of a classic advertising agency, but have a full focus on Amazon and other marketplaces. Their marketing improves the visibility of the products in the search results (SERP). This creates more attention for the product portfolio and ultimately leads to more sales. What appears to many customers as Amazon advertising, usually follows a sophisticated system of different advertising strategies. Agencies specialized in the Amazon marketplace, such as MOVESELL, know effective constructs for targeted and profitable advertising. This enables brands to achieve increasing sales and awareness on Amazon marketplaces.

    As a seller, vendor or hybrid seller, these marketing tools are available on Amazon. In addition to the advertising described, there are also various measures for brands on Amazon in the area of SEO. Through consistent and precise optimization of product titles, bullet points and the description, signals can be sent to the A9 algorithm – organic rankings can improve through the work of an Amazon agency and lead to more visibility.

    Arragements taken by an Amazon agency can also support the internationalization of brands. Here, the focus is again on marketing around SEO and SEA. The product detail pages and keywords must be precisely translated and adapted for the international market and strategies for consistent branding must be developed. The diverse Amazon marketplaces in Europe or the USA are similar, but due to cultural influences they cannot simply be regarded as the same.

    Typical services of Amazon Analyses & Software

    Amazon agencies have a variety of different software and analysis options available that can evaluate the performance of a brand. This enables data-driven consulting from which both partners benefit. At the start of a collaboration, an Amazon agency often analyzes the brand’s account, the relevant product categories, and all competitors.

    The service portfolio of many Amazon advertising agencies also includes individual analyses. These deal with the own brand and the status quo on Amazon or the market and the competition within a product category. In addition, there are advertising analyses for Amazon, in which the performance and the set-up are closely examined. Also analyses of the customer search behavior on Amazon are led by some Amazon agencies as a service.

    The brand analysis gives, for example, insights into the keyword rankings, quality of reviews, prices, owners of the buy box or sales estimates. This identifies specific errors and potentials where the Amazon agency can start to improve performance.

    Of course, an Amazon agency can perform these analyses for all international marketplaces in order to also support established and large companies with their sales on Amazon. The experts for Amazon Marketing classify the analysis results and prepare them in a concrete reporting. An Amazon agency also frequently uses such analyses to monitor the progress of brands. This provides brands with a transparent insight into the work.

    What is meant by Amazon Marketing Tools?

    Amazon marketing tools accompany the everyday life of many Amazon agencies in Germany. The wide range of software allows data-driven and objective decisions to be made. Through accurate analyses, an Amazon seller or vendor benefits from a reliable basis for decision-making. This makes consulting even more target-oriented.

    The Amazon analytics software is built on state-of-the-art technology and has access to large amounts of data thanks to various interfaces. This marketplace data is analyzed by the tools and used by an Amazon agency for strategic consulting. In addition to sales, product, performance and advertising data, most Amazon marketing tools are also able to perform other analyses: For example, the quality of product detail pages and SEO content can be determined or reliable sales forecasts can be calculated based on historical data. This helps brands to plan inventory more accurately and thus to grow sales.

    In many cases, an Amazon agency also uses marketing software for reporting. The collected data is visually prepared by the consultants in a report and often sent out on a monthly basis. This demonstrates the agency’s impact on Amazon marketing. The reporting of various tools also tracks the changes in content and reviews, so that the brands and experts of the agency can react immediately to unwanted changes through alerts. In this way, a brand protects itself against image damage and retains control at all times.

    By the way: Amazon Marketing Tools can also be used internationally and thus promote the internationalization of a brand.

    What is typically taught in Amazon Seminars and Workshops?

    For sustainable success on Amazon, the development of know-how and processes within your company is essential. In in-depth Amazon seminars, experts transfer valuable knowledge from the everyday life of an Amazon agency. The seminars are usually adapted to individual brand needs and take place online. A good seminar for Amazon is not characterized by general marketing b’s but by concrete checklists and instructions that companies can apply immediately.

    In addition to compact workshops that teach basics in all major Amazon areas from marketing to strategy and sales models, there are Amazon seminars on more specific areas. These include deep dives into the area of advertising with advertising strategies, campaign structuring for a better overview or the performance optimization of existing campaigns. Amazon seminars on other detailed areas cover, among other things, SEO & Content, in which the art of product optimization is taught – so that not only the algorithm ranks the pages well, but also customers buy reliably.

    Amazon seminars create sustainable structures and train one’s own staff. The providers make the workshop material available after the event and enable all participants to immediately switch to implementation. Brands benefit from years of agency experience, expertise and best practices.

    Let’s talk about the success of your brand on Amazon.

    We’re looking forward to a new challenge!