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Amazon Advertising Agency

Software-supported advertising for more profitability & sales

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Calvin Klein Logo
AS Creation

Leading Amazon PPC Agency

Measurable sales growth thanks to targeted advertising
  • Complex campaign structures – completely stress-free

  • Measurable more traffic and growing sales

  • Improving profitability – on average 20 %

  • Unique performance-based compensation

  • Trademark protection

Growth and Branding
Sponsored Products
Ads Analysis
Sponsored Brands
Single, Broad, Auto, PAT
Sponsored Display
Keyword Research

Our fair provision model

With our performance-based compensation, we calculate an individual commission on the adjusted advertising revenue. The ad spend is deducted from your sales – a success-oriented and very profitable way.

Example with an individual commission of 5 %.

We let our results speak for themselves:

MOVESELL consults us on an extremely high-level regarding strategy and marketing on Amazon. Our sales grow continuously and our brand image on Amazon has improved significantly.

Damian Kramer

Managing Director

Roadmap for Sellers, Vendors, and Hybrids

Our approach as an Amazon PPC Agency


We analyze your brand

We record your brand’s current advertising status quo on Amazon. We identify problems and solve these during the next step.


We develop an individual strategy

In this phase, we develop a powerful strategy, considering your profitability goals. We select the appropriate advertising formats and research all important keywords.


We improve success and sales

Now we implement our discussed strategy for your advertising. Here, too, we consider profitability and sales growth for all European marketplaces.

Request Amazon Advertising Partnership!

Free of charge & non-binding consultation

Individual offer?

Get a non-binding and free consult from our experts!

We advise on the following fields

No more stress: Complex campaign structures & more sales

On average 70 % more sales

Our advertising structures ensure growing revenues and improving profitability.

All ad formats

We optimize your advertising on Amazon in all formats. We secure market shares and sales growth for you!

Tools and monitoring

With the help of our software ROPT we analyze and control your advertising KPIs and monitor the developments.

Our expert team for Amazon Ads.

Questions about our work?

Does MOVESELL have a direct link with Amazon?

Thanks to our expertise and the management of high advertising budgets, we are an verified Amazon Ads Agency Partner. On a weekly basis, we exchange valuable insights in a personal 1:1 conversation with Amazon about new features, strategies, and betas.

Is your work certified?

All our consultants and advertising managers are officially certified for Amazon Advertising and have finished all available trainings.

How do you make your decisions?

We are an official developer for Amazon Advertising API, which is why we have access to all available data. All campaign types for all European marketplaces can be analyzed efficiently in our dashboard (sponsored brands, sponsored products, sponsored brands video, sponsored display).

Do you consult brands Europe-wide?

We consult worldwide market leaders, D2C brands, medium-sized B2B businesses and start-ups. We can do big or small, local or global. Brands like Calvin Klein, Dunlop, Powerbar, VILSA, Oase, and Osann trust us.

Will we be advised individually?
During a cooperation with us, your team will have a permanent contact person. This consultant has a team of specialized marketing managers with whom he or she will make your brand on Amazon successful.
How much advertising budget do we need?

After an analysis from one of our advertising managers and ROPT, we can make further statements regarding your budget. You should expect a monthly budget of at least 1000 €.

My campaigns are already performing good. How can you help me?

We can help with modern technology and experienced advertising managers. With a free and nonbinding potential analysis, we can tell you how you can make your Amazon Advertising more profitable and reach a broader audience.

Can we test you first?

Of course! The first three months are terminable and there aren’t any starting costs. There’s no risk. 90 % of our customers work with us for over a year.

We show our Amazon expertise:

Listen to our podcast for insightful expert knowledge.

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A sample of our customers opinions

Over 200 brands are happy with amazon advertising and PPC

OetkerDigital Logo

Together with MOVESELL we conducted a workshop on expert level in its entirety.

Moritz Lüthke

Digital Marketing Manager


The Europe-wide Amazon market analyses from MOVESELL convinced us in terms of accuracy, complexity, and format.

Torsten Bonacker

Director E-Commerce Marketing

MOVESELL consults us on an extremely high-level regarding strategy and marketing on Amazon. Our sales grow continuously and our brand image on Amazon has improved significantly.

Damian Kramer

Managing Director


We’ve been working successfully with MOVESELL for a while now regarding Amazon analyses, strategy, content, and campaigns.

Linda Göcke

Director E-Commerce Marketing

With MOVESELL we were able to improve our sales significantly in the past few years. We are very satisfied with their consulting, optimization, and software.

Patrick Osann

Managing Director


We especially value the extremely professional personal contact and consulting, the insightful expertise, and the short reaction time.

David Gellert

Digital Marketing Manager


The exchange with MOVESELL was insightful and provided valuable insights in all topics surrounding Amazon.

Markus Nüsse

Online Retail Marketing Manager


MOVESELL is one of the most experienced partners in the Amazon cosmos when it comes to Amazon Advertising.

Florian Nottorf

Managing Director


The efficient optimization and control of ads on Amazon is essential. We are happy to be working together with MOVESELL to achieve the best possible results.

Max Hofmann

Managing Director

    Other MOVESELL services on Amazon

    Other than PPC we’re experts in all fields regarding Amazon!

    Full Service Agency

    All-round cooperation for all amazon disciplines and long lasting brand success.

    Content & SEO Agency

    Amazon content, attractive product detail pages, and high product rankings

    Workshops and Seminars

    Insightful workshops from Amazon experts regarding all important topics concerning Amazon

    Brand Store Agency

    An individual brand store for a unique shopping experience of your brand

    A+ Content Agency

    Expressive A+ content for individual product descriptions

    Flexible Combinations

    Our services can be tailored and arranged according to your brands individual needs

    Kontakt & Angebot
    Kontakt & Angebot
    Kontakt & Angebot
    Kontakt & Angebot

    Do you want to work with us?

    Contact us now for our Amazon services!

    Amazon advertising agency services in detail

    Audit & Strategy

    Your advertising strategy for your brand on Amazon must always fit to your brand goals. This requires an Amazon advertising strategy that is individually tailored to your brand. As an Amazon PPC agency, we advise and develop the perfect approach to improve brand growth, brand construction, or trademark protection on Amazon. From years of experience, we know which approaches work best for many situations. Our in-depth experience is complemented with up-to-date advertising performance data from our in-house developed Amazon tool ROPT®. Based on this, our Amazon expert team of our PPC agency can develop a sustainable advertising strategy.

    With the support of an Amazon advertising agency, you can reach your customers at every stage of the customers journey – for example, during research on the search results pages with top placements through Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands campaigns.

    Advertising Tools

    The use of advertising tools automates your brand success on Amazon. Bids on top search terms are checked and corrected in real time to keep advertising costs low while maximizing revenue. This ensures the profitability of advertising campaigns. The use of advertising tools makes the work of our Amazon PPC agency more efficient and reliable.

    In addition to constant monitoring by advertising tools, these are also used in advance in our strategy development and facilitate our work as an Amazon advertising agency. Our Amazon Marketing Tool ROPT® analyzes the entire product portfolio of your brand and provides accurate prognoses. Through the detailed potential analyses, our Amazon PPC agency can determine the perfect strategy along your business goals on Amazon. In addition, our tool supports the selection of products suitable for advertising (retail readiness) with the in-house developed product quality score (PQS). In many cases, advertising non-optimized products does not pay off in the long run.

    Keyword Research

    Advertising for the right search terms is a particular challenge regarding Amazon advertising. Many advertising formats have a so-called keyword targeting, where the ads are played for certain keywords. Our team of Amazon PPC experts will find the most valuable keywords for your brand and product assortment. This extensive and detailed research captures both short-tail and long-tail keywords that accurately describe the search behavior of your Amazon customers. Unlike SEO keyword research, it is important in Amazon advertising to only promote the most relevant keywords. Otherwise, there’s a risk that the costs won’t be in proportion to the sales.

    As an Amazon PPC agency, we have continued to improve the keyword research process over time. At this point, we are able to locate the best keywords by using various tools and strategies.

    Sponsored Brands

    On Amazon, Sponsored Brands campaigns are the best way to associate your product with your brand’s features and USPs. With Sponsored Brands PPC advertising the brand logo and an individual headline can be seen in addition to the maximum of three advertised products. Our Amazon experts team develops a target group specific approach tailored for your brand. The Sponsored Brands campaigns appear before all other advertising formats and organic search results directly at the top of the search results page. This ensures the highest possible visibility for your Amazon customers.

    As an Amazon PPC agency, we also offer the special Sponsored Brands Video format in addition to the classic Sponsored Brands format. Brands can add an individual product video to the ad, which plays immediately when the page is loaded – a special incentive for Amazon customers.

    Sponsored Products

    The Sponsored Products advertising format is also covered by us as an Amazon Advertising agency. With this ads format, the advertised products are displayed between the organic search results. The top placements of each search results page are reserved for Sponsored Products campaigns. This especially increases the visibility of your products on Amazon. Potential Amazon customers discover your product first. The ads are indistinguishable from the rest of the organic search results, except for a small note.

    In addition to placement on the search results page, products advertised with Sponsored Products campaigns are also displayed on product detail pages. This allows your products to be placed right next to the competition. It also enables trademark protection when your own products are advertised on your own product detail page. Protecting your brand is a priority for us as an Amazon PPC agency.

    Sponsored Display

    The relatively new advertising format Sponsored Display is also implemented by our Amazon PPC agency for your brand. This feature is only available to registered sellers and vendors. The advantage over the other advertising formats on Amazon: The ads are also played out on external sites beyond the marketplace. There, the ads can be seen as banner ads. This allows you to reach a very large target group with your brand. However, the design options from Amazon are limited to an individual headline and the brand logo. The ads also appear within Amazon on the product detail pages under the buy box.

    As an Amazon Advertising agency, we have already gathered experience with several customers in the field of Sponsored Display Ads.

    Let’s talk about your brands success on Amazon.

    We’re always ready for a challenge!